Established in February 12, 1983 with 22 men initiated as members of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights are instrumental in sponsoring numerous projects and organizations that benefit the church and throughout our local community. Their fundraising work includes breakfast by donation on the first Sunday of the month (typically October through April) and the Knights beer booth at the Lemhi County Fairgrounds.
Community work generously supported by the Salmon Knights has recently includes the Salmon Teen Center, Meals on Wheels, Lemhi's After School Promise, Lemhi Search and Rescue, and Mahoney House.
All men of the parish are welcome to learn more about the Salmon Knights and are encouraged to join. For more information, please ask at the church office for the Knight's leadership contact info.
The Knights meet the second Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Call the church office to confirm the location.
Silver Rose - Life Programs | Knights of Columbus
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the unborn, the Americas, and the Knights of Columbus. The Holy Rosary is the center of this pilgrimage's prayer. Join us Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 7 pm at St. Charles to pray for her patronage.